Terms of service
Booking & Cancellation Policy
All sessions must be paid for at the time of booking to confirm. A session is only confirmed upon receiving a confirmation email from Tea Break English.
Strictly 24 hours notice by email (to hello@teabreak-english.com) must be given to reschedule sessions.
Strictly 24 hours notice by email (to hello@teabreak-english.com) must be given to cancel sessions. No refunds will be given in the event of cancelling a session with less than 24 hours notice.
If you arrive late to your session, you are entitled to the remainder of your scheduled session. The missed time will not be recovered and no refunds will be issued.
All sessions are conducted 1-to-1 over Zoom. Visit www.zoom.us to sign up for free before your first session. Contact hello@teabreak-english.com if you require any assistance.